Friday, 25 September 2015

Camera angles lesson notes

camera angles

Key camera angles: 

EXL- extreme long shot. 
Can be taken from as much as a quarter of a mile away.. Used for scene setting and is used to show exterior.

LS-long shot.
full shot showing entire body,head at the top of the shot. Focus is on the person but background detail is visible

MLS- medium long shot.
shows from about thighs upward and again focuss on the person or figure although some background detail is visible. 

MS- medium shot.
shot from the waist up and is used a lot in dialogue scenes 

MCU-medium close up.
 shot from chest upwards giving little background detail. Used com manly in dialogue scenes, as shows clear facial expression. 

CU-close up.
Shows very little background, most background is blurry as main focus is the shoulders and head of the person. Used to make the viewer uncomfortable

BCU- big close up.
Close up of the face of the person. Used to show emotion and to unsettle the viewer, could also be used for dialogue but not often. 

ECU- extreme close up.
Extreme version of a close up. Magnifies beyond what human aye would see. No background detail is shown. 

low angle-
Gives a sense of confusion. Gives the Person a sense of powe and authority. Background will be sky or ceiling but nothing at usual eye level 

high angle-
Makes subject smaller and powerless. Becomes part of a wider picture and is slightly surreal? 

Worms eye view- 
View of an object or person from below. To show third perspective, also shows someone's strength and to make someone look more powerful. 

Canted angle-
To show disorientation to the viewer, usually to show subject has been drinking or is on drugs. Surreal and strange. 

Birds eye view-
Shows a scene from directly overhead. Very unnatural... Again used to suggest a bigger picture to the viewer and to make things look insignificant. 

Eye level- 
Fairly neutral shot, camera is positioned as though it is a human actually observing the scene. Usually 5 or 6 feet from the ground. 

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