Level of risk (High, medium or low)
Controls to manage risk
1. Tripping/falling
off sea wall leading to possible injury.
Always hold on to the railings when and if sat on the sea wall or
standing by it. Don’t jump or run near the sea wall. IF the ground is wet,
which is likely, be cautious and slower than usual when walking. If someone
falls get help to get back up and check if everything is okay, if not call
for external help. If the sea is in a dangerous condition do not go near the
sea wall at all. We will look at the weather and sea conditions before
2. Tripping or
bumping into things in a dimly lit or non lit street or alleyway leading to
possible injury.
Make sure that if the actor or crew member is walking through these
areas that are dimly or not at all lit that a torch is available (on a smart
phone or a small pocket torch). If the area is dangerously wet may need the
person to hold onto the wall when walking, avoid puddles or find another
location to film in.
3. Falling out of
bed leading to possible injury.
Ask the actor to keep as still in the bed as possible in order to
reduce the risk of falling off. As well as this, ensure there are no trip
hazards or loose sheets that are a potential danger around the area.
Furthermore, we will ensure the actor is as far away from the edge of the bed
as is possible.
4. Filming near/ on
a road may be dangerous if cars are not aware of actors or set railing
leading to potential injury and crashes.
Before filming, make sure we are all fully certain that the road is
clear. Stay as far off the centre of the road as possible and keep to the
curb. If a car is approaching move out of the way, even when filming, and
make sure you are visible (by wearing high visibility items or having some
lights around each person so they are clearly visible).
5. Tripping on the
tripod/any other filming equipment leading to potential injury.
Ensure everyone is aware of the placement of the camera and tripod and
when walking stay as far away from the objects as possible. Make sure these
objects can be seen in full light at all times.
6. Low outside
temperatures leading to potential hypothermia.
Ensure actors and crew members wear coats and other items (such as
hats, gloves and scarves) when in cold conditions. Be aware of the
temperature and weather before going on set.
7. Crew and actors
walking in the dark leading to potential injury.
Ensure they’re
fully aware of the surroundings and where they are going before filming. Have
some light around to reduce risk of falling.
8. Smashing mirror with rock for opening
sequence leading to potential injury.
We can
make sure we stand as far aware from the mirror as possible when smashing it
as to not receive injury from smashed glass backfiring onto us
or anyone around. Make sure there are no surrounding pedestrians during the
filming process. Furthermore, we must also make sure that the rocks we use
for smashing are of a smaller size as to prevent personal injury as well as
leaving them far away from the public footpath after filming has finished.
Clean up all smashed glass from the area and dispose of it in a safe
and hazard-less manner. Make sure the rock is thrown in the
opposite direction to where any pedestrians may be oncoming.
People at risk:
Students: 3
students: 2
Safe system of work – Control Measures required
to avoid or minimise risk:
Before filming:
- Check the weather
and sea conditions of the location.
- Ensure actors and
crew wear sensible shoes suited to the conditions.
- Make sure actors
and crew bring coats and warm accessories.
- Ensure if anyone
is asthmatic brings and inhaler.
- Bring a torch or
a smart phone that has a torch app on.
- Ensure actors are
fully informed of the hazards and how to prevent or minimize them.
During filming:
- Talk everyone
over precautions that are too be made before filming.
- Ensure everyone
is aware of where equipment is to be placed.
- Make sure a calm
atmosphere is maintained.
- Run through with
actors what they will be doing and the dangers involved.
- Ensure that
weather conditions do not affect crew members being able to be heard by
actors when talking about matters concerning safety.
- Ensure that a
mobile phone or phone box is available in case of an accident and the
emergency services can be called.
After filming:
- Ensure every
piece of equipment is put away safely and cautiously.
- Make sure the
environment and location is left the same as it was found, no objects that
could cause potenital injury to others should be left there.
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ReplyDeleteMuch improved. Well done.