Sound and music
Sound within a media text should:
Reinforce the mood/atmosphere of the scene.
Enhance the audiences emotional experience.
Suggest a characters thoughts and feelings.
Build a sense of continuity.(e.g sound bridges help moving in and out of scenes)
Key terms learnt:
DIEGETIC SOUNDS- Sounds within the scene, for example a radio playing in the background. the source doesn't have to be shown in order for it to be diegetic.
NON-DIEGETIC SOUNDS- Sounds that are outside the world of the scene, an example of this would be a them tune, voice over or noises outside.
PARALLEL- When the mood of the audio track follows the mood of the image track.
CONTRAPUNTAL- When the audio track contradicts the image track.
SOUND BRIDGES-Sounds that take us from one scene to another
NON-DIEGETIC SOUNDS- Sounds that are outside the world of the scene, an example of this would be a them tune, voice over or noises outside.
PARALLEL- When the mood of the audio track follows the mood of the image track.
CONTRAPUNTAL- When the audio track contradicts the image track.
SOUND BRIDGES-Sounds that take us from one scene to another